发表文章(近三年,10篇以内) 1. Idebenone Antagonizes P53-Mediated Neuronal Oxidative Stress Injury by Regulating CD38-SIRT3 Protein Level. Neurochemical Research. 2024,49 (9) , 2491-2504.(通讯作者) 2. Activation of the mTOR pathway promotes neurite growth through upregulation of CD44 expression. Journal of International Medical Research. 2023, 51(6) 1–14.(通讯作者) 3. Strategies for Effective Neural Circuit Reconstruction After Spinal Cord Injury: Use of Stem Cells and Biomaterials. World Neurosurgery,2022, 161 , pp.82-89. (通讯作者) 4. mTOR activation facilitates locomotor recovery in rats with spinal cord injuries: a meta-analysis. International Journal of Clinical and experimental Medicine. 2021,14(10):2391-2404. (通讯作者) |